Bad Security Spotted in the Wild

Working as a UI developer for four years at an XML Security Company doesn’t make you a security expert. But somehow, it does make you notice bad security when you see it. Today, I bring you four examples of ridiculous security policies […]


Why Do We Need RSS Readers?

This isn’t one of those “Technology X Sucks” articles (this one is one of those). I just don’t really understand why people use standalone RSS readers or even web-based readers. I’m not knocking RSS at all — I love it. I currently […]


Personal Finance Hacks 1-8

Since, thanks to O’Reilly, everything cool these days is presented as a list of hacks, I present the first installment of Personal Finance Hacks. These are tips that I’ve collected over the past several years as I’ve explored different investments and bought […]


An Introduction to Copyfighting

The EFF is holding a “Blog for Freedom” Blog-a-thon where participants are supposed to blog about their personal experiences fighting for freedom online. Since I have no personal experience with fighting for freedom online (other than joining the EFF), I decided to […]


SuperHappyDevHouse 2

With my wife out of town for work, I decided to attend SuperHappyDevHouse 2, an all-night gathering of elite coders, their laptops, and about a dozen power strips. The idea is terrific — get people together to work on whatever they want. […]


Switching to WordPress

Now that this blog has over a hundred subscribers and has received multiple awards, I think it’s time to move onto something more sophisticated than blosxom. I’m moving over to WordPress. The old feed will still work. If you are a subscriber […]
